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ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush breaks the disabled state of a ControlValueAccessor

In my Angular app, I've created a custom form element by implementing the ControlValueAccessor interface.

So in my component I correctly implement all methods of that interface, including setDisabledState:

 * This function is called when the control status changes to or from "disabled".
 * Depending on the value, it will enable or disable the appropriate DOM element.
 * @param isDisabled
setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
  this.disabled = isDisabled;

Everything works fine.

The problem is when I change the ChangeDetectionStrategy of my component setting it to OnPush.

By doing that, the enable/disable functionality of my component is broken.

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Francesco Borzi Avatar asked Aug 22 '18 09:08

Francesco Borzi

2 Answers

The problem can be solved by manually triggering the change detection.

We need to inject the ChangeDetectorRef into our component:

import {  ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

// ...

  private cd: ChangeDetectorRef,
) { }

then use it to manually trigger the change detection whenever the enabled/disabled status changes:

setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
  this.disabled = isDisabled;
  this.cd.markForCheck(); // this will manually trigger the change detection
like image 178
Francesco Borzi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 08:10

Francesco Borzi

OnPush can only make sense if we are talking about parent / child components communication. when the child has changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush setting and the parent is passing an object as an input to the child.

If you are creating a Reactive Custom Form Control which has its own state. It's good to avoid using onPush. If you want to use, you can manually call the Change detection manually using cdr.markforCheck().

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Suresh Kumar Ariya Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 07:10

Suresh Kumar Ariya