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Change where bootstrap "modal-open" class is assigned to instead of the body [closed]



is assigned to the body when the modal is opened. How do i change where the class is added to instead of the body.

Thanks for any help.

like image 572
Third_Hyperion Avatar asked Oct 13 '14 08:10


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1 Answers

You have to change js that adds modal-open. It's a bit strange as behaviour, anyway you can do it softly or brutally.

Softly: intercept modal click for show and remove class to body adding to another element:

// Modal is first added to the body element and then removed and added to another element

$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {

and then intercept also the close of the modal and add an execution of a second remove:

$('#myModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {

Brutally method, to avoid that modal-open it's unnecessary added to body element: go in TwitterBootstrap directory > js Open modal.js Search for modal-open , you will find (on version 3.2.0):



you'll find


in Modal.prototype.hide you'll find


you have to change the target of addClass and removeClass and replace those instructions, if you have a fixed element it's enough simple (Ex: $('#myFixedElement').addClass('modal-open'), if it's a dynamic element it's complex and you'll have again to intercept Show function to add a global var in js to let modal.js know and read your target element. However you can also change the signature of those functions but i don't really suggest you to do that, basically you'll make your code too hard to maintain.

like image 133
MrPk Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
