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change urlparse.path of a url

Here is the python code:

url = http://www.phonebook.com.pk/dynamic/search.aspx
path = urlparse(url)
print (path)

>>>ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='www.phonebook.com.pk', path='/dynamic/search.aspx', params='', query='searchtype=cat&class_id=4520&page=1', fragment='')

print (path.path)

Now I need to change the path.path to my requirement. Like if "/dynamic/search.aspx" is the path then I only need the parts between the first slash and last slash including slashes which is "/dynamic/".

I have tried these two lines but end result is not what I expected that's why I am asking this question as my knowledge of "urllib.parse" is insufficient.

path = path.path[:path.path.index("/")]
print (path)
>>>Returns nothing.
path = path.path[path.path.index("/"):]
>>>/dynamic/search.aspx (as it was before, no change.)

In short whatever the path.path result is my need is directory names only. For example:" dynamic/search/search.aspx". now I need "dynamic/search/"

like image 739
Mansoor Akram Avatar asked Jul 24 '16 12:07

Mansoor Akram

2 Answers

First, the desired part of the path can be obtained using rfind which returns the index of the last occurrence. The + 1 is for keeping the trailing slash.

desired_path = path.path[:path.path.rfind("/") + 1]

Second, use the _replace method to replace the path attribute of the urlparse object as follows:

desired_url = urlunparse(path._replace(path=desired_path))

The full working example:

from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

url = "http://www.phonebook.com.pk/dynamic/search/search.aspx"
path = urlparse(url)

desired_path = path.path[:path.path.rfind("/") + 1]
desired_url = urlunparse(path._replace(path=desired_path))
like image 101
Emer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09


I've tried to look into urlparse to find any method that could help in your situation, but didn't find, may be overlooked, but anyway, at this level, you probably would have to make your own method or hack:

>>> path.path

>>> import re
>>> d = re.search(r'/.*/', path.path)
>>> d.group(0)

This is just an example to you, you may also use built-in methods, like so:

>>> i = path.path.index('/', 1)
>>> path.path[:i+1]


I didn't notice your last example, so here is another way:

>>> import os
>>> path = os.path.dirname(path.path) + os.sep
>>> path
>>> path = os.path.dirname(s) + os.sep
>>> path

Or with re:

>>> s
>>> d = re.search(r'.*/', s)
>>> d
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 15), match='dynamic/search/'>
>>> d.group(0)
>>> s = '/dynamic/search.aspx'
>>> d = re.search(r'.*/', s)
>>> d.group(0)
like image 33
Iron Fist Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Iron Fist