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Change URL in new Firebase (from May 2016)

Earlier when using Firebase, there was an option to use our own url like myapp.firebaseapp.com (including firebaseapp.com part). But from May 2016, when I create a project, it gets an auto-generated URL like my-app-1c75b.firebaseio.com, and I cannot find place to edit that (because 1c75b part in URL is not nice). I want to know is there any way to edit that like before?

Note - I don't want to use a paid domain like www.example.com. I just want to customize my Firebase URL as myapp.firebaseapp.com

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Sathindu Avatar asked May 21 '16 08:05


People also ask

How do I change my URL in firebase?

Scroll down in 'Manage Site' and create a new site, then deploy there. You can't change your domain, but you can change the host! You can make as many sites as you want.

How do I remove a domain from Firebase?

Go to the Firebase Hosting console for your project, you will see your domain. Hover over your domain. There's an overflow menu ( ⋮ three vertical dots) on the right. From the overflow menu select Delete Domain.

1 Answers

When you create a project in the new Firebase console, it will indeed add a "random" code to the project name. There is currently no way to prevent this code in the new console.

When you upgrade an existing project from firebase.com into the new console, the app name will remain unchanged. So if you already have myapp.firebaseapp.com on a firebase.com project, you will keep that URL after importing/upgrading.

like image 168
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Frank van Puffelen