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Change the Theme in Jupyter Notebook?

I like dark themes. However, the default theme of Jupyter notebooks is light, and I can't find the option to change the theme/background-color. How is this done?

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Moby Khan Avatar asked Oct 01 '17 07:10

Moby Khan

People also ask

How do I change the theme in Jupyter lab?

By default, theme of the JupyterLab interface is light. To change the theme, navigate to the Settings menu, Select JupyterLab Theme >> JupyterLab Dark.

1 Answers

This is easy to do using the jupyter-themes package by Kyle Dunovan. You may be able to install it using conda. Otherwise, you will need to use pip.

Install it with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterthemes 

or pip:

pip install jupyterthemes 

You can get the list of available themes with:

jt -l 

So change your theme with:

jt -t theme-name 

To load a theme, finally, reload the page. The docs and source code are here.

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Aaron Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
