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Change the height of NavigationBar and UIBarButtonItem elements inside it in Cocoa Touch

I suppose it's not strictly in line with Apple guidelines but I guess it must be possible somehow. I'd like to change the height of navigation bar inside UINavigationController and the height of UIBarButtonItem elements inside that bar.

Using a trick from this question I managed to change the height of navigation bar but I can see no way of adjusting the height of bar button items.

If anyone knows how to change the size of bar button items, please help me out.

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mgamer Avatar asked Nov 27 '11 13:11


3 Answers

This is my solution. It works very well.

@interface UINavigationBar (CustomHeight)


@implementation UINavigationBar (CustomHeight)

- (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size {
    // Change navigation bar height. The height must be even, otherwise there will be a white line above the navigation bar.
    CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(self.frame.size.width, 40);
    return newSize;

-(void)layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];

    // Make items on navigation bar vertically centered.
    int i = 0;
    for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
        NSLog(@"%i. %@", i, [view description]);
        if (i == 0)
        float centerY = self.bounds.size.height / 2.0f;
        CGPoint center = view.center;
        center.y = centerY;
        view.center = center;
like image 72
Vince Yuan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Vince Yuan

Maybe this tutorial about a customized navbar will help you: Recreating the iBooks wood themed navigation bar

If you create a BarButtonItem with a UIImageView you can maybe change the framesize/boundsize of the custom UIImageView

UIImageView* imageView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:navigationController.navigationBar.frame] autorelease];
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeLeft;
imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"NavBar-iPhone.png"];
[navigationController.navigationBar insertSubview:imageView atIndex:0];

So for your need you would give the -initWithFrame method appropriate values.

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Pfitz Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10


static CGFloat const CustomNavigationBarHeight = 74;

@implementation WTNavigationBar

- (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size{
    size.width = 1024;
    size.height = CustomNavigationBarHeight;
    return size;

-(void)layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];
    for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
        SFLog(@"view.class=%@",[view class]);
        if ([view isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"UINavigationItemButtonView")]) {
            float centerY = self.bounds.size.height / 2.0f;
            CGPoint center = view.center;
            center.y = centerY;
            view.center = center;


in my iPad app,which has a fixed landscape orientation,I found I have to hardcode the size's width

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Jagie Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
