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Change quality profile on SonarQube.com

I am using the online SonarQube.com free OS services for my Java Android project.

I encountered several bugs where I checked the equality of strings with == instead of .equals().

I found out that sonarqube has what seems to be a good rule to find these bugs: Objects should be compared with "equals()". Unfortunately this rule is disabled in the default Java Sonarway quality profile.

My question is, since I do not have admin privileges on the public SonarQube.com server, is there a way to activate this rule for my project?

like image 938
CaptainNemo Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 16:03


1 Answers

Ability to configure Quality profiles and Quality gates is not implemented yet on sonarqube.com.

SonarSource teams are heavily working on that feature. However no release date can be estimated at the time of writing.

like image 83
Simon Brandhof - SonarSource Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 23:03

Simon Brandhof - SonarSource