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Change ProgressIndicator color

I want to change the color of the dots of the SystemTray.ProgressIndicator to fit my app's overall design. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for any advice.

BTW: Binding to ProgressIndicator in XAML

like image 642
Rico Suter Avatar asked Sep 01 '11 22:09

Rico Suter

1 Answers

I don't think you can, they appear to be tied to whatever color the carrier/handset maker combination decided to use.

So for example I have three WP7 devices, two on Verizon (both HTC Trophy) and and one on AT&T (Samsung Focus). The metro tiles on the Verizon phones are red, I'm guessing to match the red Verizon logo, and so the dots are red. The AT&T phone's tiles are blue, I'm guessing to match the blue AT&T logo, and so the dots are blue.

like image 83
Tom Kidd Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10

Tom Kidd