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Change poll interval for Build Notification in TFS 2010

Is there a way to change the poll interval for the Build Notification tray application for TFS 2010?

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Hakan Forss Avatar asked Jun 20 '10 18:06

Hakan Forss

2 Answers

It case someone else searches for this;

The e-mail notificaiton delay does not affect the build notification tray

Check out this blog post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ukvsts/archive/2010/10/08/team-build-notification-polling-interval.aspx

Basically There is a registry setting that controls this, and you can find it under:


Default is 2:30

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Bertrand Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11


Ironically, the code for the Build Notifcation tray application does support changing the poll interval by means of a parameterable constructor, but the root code which starts the polling off hard codes the value.

If you really want to change the poll interval, then you could theoretically create a replacement Main() procedure, and re write the launch of the form and polling timer in order to be able to pass in your own configurable poll interval, but I think that that would probably not be worth the time & investment.

EDIT: The upcoming 1.3.0 build of Jim Liddel's Team Build Screen on Codeplex now features support for TFS 2010, and also a desktop app rather than just a screensaver! This is far better than the team build screen. http://teambuildscreen.codeplex.com/

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Antony Gibbs Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Antony Gibbs