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Change NPM entry point without an index.js

I recently published a private module to NPM which has some common code we use across a few of our services.

The code is written in ES6 and so we need to transpile it using babel before publishing to NPM. I've got a prepublish script which transpiles src in to lib.

There's no index.js file in this module since it's just some common code.

The problem I'm having is that when I install the module from NPM, using require('@ourorg/ourmodule/somecode') doesn't work (module can't be found). I instead have to use require('@ourorg/ourmodule/lib/somecode').

I've tried changing the main field in package.json to many variations of lib, but it doesn't seem to work unless I include an index.js file, in which case require('@ourorg/ourmodule') returns whatever is exported there. One workaround I can see would be to export all the common code in an index.js file, but this isn't maintainable at all.

like image 659
Rhys Camm Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 12:01

Rhys Camm

1 Answers

The main field in package.json follows the same rules as normal Node imports - either it should point at a single file in particular, or it can point at a directory that has an index.js in it.

As far as I know, there is no way to make importing your package simply be an alias for a directory. If there was, what would require("@ourorg/ourmodule") return?

If it's absolutely driving you crazy having to type lib every time you import something, maybe you could add a step to your build process that autogenerates an index.js that re-exports everything at the root?

like image 71
Joe Clay Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 03:10

Joe Clay