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Custom tooltip positioning

I'm facing issues to properly position a custom tooltip on a Plotly.js heatmap.

I'm using the l2p method (what's this acronym standing for?) in combination with the pointNumber data to get a relative positioning within the heatmap. It looks like:

x: point.xaxis.l2p(point.pointNumber[1]),
y: point.yaxis.l2p(point.pointNumber[0])

But the problem with that is that it is relative to the top/left origin of the heatmap svg itself without the outer x- and y-axis labels, so I'm actually missing that part and wonder about whether there isn't a built-in functionality to get this positioning information directly? The problem by using external divs as tooltip area is that they are located completely outside of the chart and with that I need the information with reference to the top/left origin outside of the chart and the axis labeling.

What seems to work is to use the axis private _offset property and add it to the x and y positions above, so I get

x: point.xaxis.l2p(point.pointNumber[1]) + point.xaxis._offset,
y: point.yaxis.l2p(point.pointNumber[0]) + point.yaxis._offset

But that looks quite nasty to me. Can someone point me to some documentation or demo on how to do that "the plotly way" esp. for the heatmap?

like image 687
andi1984 Avatar asked Dec 30 '16 12:12


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Basic Tooltip The tooltip text is placed inside an inline element (like <span>) with class="tooltiptext" . CSS: The tooltip class use position:relative , which is needed to position the tooltip text ( position:absolute ). Note: See examples below on how to position the tooltip.

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The Tooltip and its tip pointer can be positioned dynamically based on the target's location. This can be achieved by using the refresh method, which auto adjusts the Tooltip over the target.

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Positioning of tooltips So to position a tooltip as your requirement just add data-bs-placement=”top/right/left/bottom” attribute to your <a> or <button> tag to change tooltip position.

1 Answers

One of the core developers of Plotly answered me to this question that the way I calculate the position is currently the best way of doing it and thus this issue can be closed.

like image 180
andi1984 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09
