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Change ListView's ScrollBar/FastScroll color?

My app has an orange theme all over but the ScrollBar/FastScroll is appearing green. I've tried to search a lot but can't find any way to change this. It just stays the way it is.

I found a "android:fastScrollTextColor" property but that changes the color of the B inside the bubble. And I can't find any property to change the color of this bubble or the ScrollBar next to it.


In case it makes a difference I'm using the custom PinnedHeaderListView that I got from here to mimic the sticky headers in the lollipop contacts app.

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Ronak Manglani Avatar asked Jun 01 '15 14:06

Ronak Manglani

2 Answers

Scrollbar thumb color is set to the android:colorAccent attribute in your app theme. You are sure that is set and is correct, right?

Note that if you're using AppCompat, you will have to exclude the android: prefix from the attribute.

You can find more information on available color attributes here.

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xip Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11


set This in your listView attributes in xml file.


Here custom_scroll_style is a xml file under the drawable folder. Lets create the custom_scroll_style.xml

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >

    android:endColor="@color/endColor" //define what you want
    android:startColor="@color/startColor" />

<corners android:radius="8dp" />
<size android:width="4dp"/>
    android:right="0.5dp" />


Hope it helps!

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Ajay P. Prajapati Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11

Ajay P. Prajapati