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Change event function not working on input type file if file name is same

This is my html code to upload excel file

 <span class="control-fileupload" >
      <label for="file1" class="text-left">{{filePlaceHolder}}</label>
      <input type="file" id="file1" value="" (change)="openFile($event)" >

But the problem is if i'm uploading same file twice the change function is not executing again because there is no change in input field.

Suppose i have uploaded abc.xls file once and there are some validation on this file and if i change the content of abc.xls and re upload it then change function is not re validating it again.

What changes i should make to work change function every time i upload a file whether file name is same or not.

I want to know how to write this click function in type script as i'm new to this.

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user1881845 Avatar asked Oct 27 '17 08:10


1 Answers

In angular 2 you can do it like this:

<span class="control-fileupload" >
      <label for="file1" class="text-left">{{filePlaceHolder}}</label>
      <input #fileInput type="file" id="file1" (click)="fileInput.value = null" value="" (change)="openFile($event)" >

This way every time you click on file input it will clear it's value so even if you select the same file change will fire.

like image 102
guramidev Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
