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Change direction of ActionBar

I am using ActionBar in my project. I want to change direction of ActionBar items means locate tab icons and logo in the right side of screen and locate menu items in the left side of screen. I googled but I didn't find any useful thing, aslo I read xml resource of theme and style in API 14 but again I didn't find any solution.

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Hosein Bitaraf Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 13:08

Hosein Bitaraf

Video Answer

1 Answers

Action Bar now support right to left direction. It's introduced in the new API level 17 by adding

android:supportsRtl attribute to the element in your manifest file and set it “true"

have a look here for more information about managing the layouts from right to left RTL Layout Support

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Ahmad Kayyali Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Ahmad Kayyali