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Change Detection issue -- Why is this changing when it's the same object reference with On Push



I thought I was pretty clear on how Angular Change detection works after this discussion: Why is change detection not happening here when [value] changed?

But take a look at this plunk: https://plnkr.co/edit/jb2k7U3TfV7qX2x1fV4X?p=preview

selector: 'simple',
  template: `
    <div (click)="onClick()">
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class Simple {
  public @Input() myData;
  constructor() {
  public onClick() {


Click on a, it's changed to c

I understand that the click event triggers change detection on the App level, but [myData]="testData" is still referring to the same object, and I am using On Push on Simple, why does a get changed?

like image 759
techguy2000 Avatar asked Feb 18 '17 06:02


People also ask

What is change detection on push strategy?

The OnPush strategy changes Angular's change detection behavior in a similar way as detaching a component does. The change detection doesn't run automatically for every component anymore. Angular instead listens for specific changes and only runs the change detection on a subtree for that component.

What triggers change detection?

Input Reference But with OnPush strategy, the change detector is only triggered if the data passed on @Input() has a new reference. This is why using immutable objects is preferred, because immutable objects can be modified only by creating a new object reference.

What is change detection and how it is handled?

What is change detection? The basic mechanism of the change detection is to perform checks against two states, one is the current state, the other is the new state. If one of this state is different of the other, then something has changed, meaning we need to update (or re-render) the view.

What is the difference between OnPush and default change detection?

OnPush means that the change detector's mode will be set to CheckOnce during hydration. Default means that the change detector's mode will be set to CheckAlways during hydration.

1 Answers

That's by design.

If you have component with OnPush change detection then its detectChangesInternal function won't be triggered unless one of four things happens:

1) one of its @Inputs changes

~2.4.x enter image description here

~4.x.x enter image description here

Note: @Inputs should be presented in template. See issue https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20611 and comment

2) a bound event is triggered from the component (that is your case)

Caveats: There is some difference here between 2.x.x and 4

Angular ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush with child component emitting an event

~2.4.x enter image description here

~4.x.x enter image description here

3) you manually mark the component to be checked (ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck())

4) async pipe calls ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck() internally

private _updateLatestValue(async: any, value: Object): void {
  if (async === this._obj) {
    this._latestValue = value;


In other words if you set OnPush for component then after the first checking component's status will be changed from CheckOnce to Checked and after that it's waiting as long as we do not change status. It will happen in one of three things above.

See also:

  • https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/11678#issuecomment-247894782

There are also good explanations of how angular2 change detection work:

  • https://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/02/22/angular-2-change-detection-explained.html
  • https://hackernoon.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-change-detection-in-angular-8006c51d206f

Here is Live Example(Thanks to Paskal) that explains onPush change detection. (Comp16 looks like your component. You can click at this box).

like image 89
yurzui Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11
