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Change default blue color in android holo theme to orange (or anything else)

I am using holo theme in my app:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar" />

I want to change the default blue color to orange. I thought it would be simple. However, after Googling all day, I still don't have a solution that works for me.

(Note: This should also be applicable to dialogs. By default dialog titles and lines are blue.)

Say if default is like this:

From Blue

I want to be like this:

To Orange

Please help. Thanks in advance!


I forgot to mention that I know about the style generator at http://jgilfelt.github.com/android-actionbarstylegenerator/ That's where from I got these images. But I don't want all of this, it has a lot of images and other stuff which makes app larger in size. Let me know if there's a way to tweak the default themes.

like image 331
Suraj Bajaj Avatar asked Oct 21 '12 12:10

Suraj Bajaj

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2 Answers

This is not applicable by changing a Property because it is related to some drawable (some 9patch png). There is a really good website to build the drawable of widgets by your desired color.

Working with, is simple and straight forward and it generate PNGs for the widgets you select not all, to keep the size of your project small.

Here it is: http://android-holo-colors.com/

like image 51
mammadalius Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10


As per your requirement use following library i think it is useful for you


like image 25
Harshal Kalavadiya Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Harshal Kalavadiya