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Change color of outline highlight of pickable objects in VRChat



In the game VRChat whenever I create an interactable object it always gets the default blue outline highlight when hovering it.

As seen in this tutorial video when creating a pickable cube using the VRC_Pickup, VRC_ObjectSync and VRC_SpecialLayer components:

Pickable cube with blue outline highlight

I was wondering if there is a way to change the color (and maybe other effects like outline width). There's no information about this specifically that I could find. If I had to guess either the color is set in one of the VRChat SDK scripts or by Unity itself when using some API.

You can see a recent slightly modified version of the SDK online in this GitHub repository.

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user7393973 Avatar asked Jun 28 '18 07:06


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1 Answers

Unfortunately, there is no way. The outline is a part of the VRChat client itself, and so you would have to mod your client in order to get the outline to change (which is against the rules, I should add).

Theoretically, a script on all pickup-able GameObjects in the scene would be able to change the outline depending on how the developers created it in the first place; however, as I'm sure you know, scripts are disabled for the time being for safety reasons.

like image 54
Caleb Libby Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Caleb Libby