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Change background of LinearLayout in Android

If you want to set through xml using android's default color codes, then you need to do as below:


If you have colors specified in your project's colors.xml, then use:


If you want to do programmatically, then do:


LinearLayout li=(LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.layoutid);

setting the background color fro ur layout.


this is to set the image which u can store in drawable folder


some resource for display purpose animation or img


u just used attribute

  • android:background="#ColorCode" for colors

    if your image save in drawable folder then used :-

  • android:background="@drawable/ImageName" for image setting


should be included inside Layout tab. where ic_launcher is image name that u can put inside project folder/res/drawable . you can copy any number of images and make it as background

1- Select LinearLayout findViewById

LinearLayout llayout =(LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.llayoutId); 

2- Set color from R.color.colorId


Use this code, where li is the LinearLayout: li.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#ffff00"));