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Android Seekbar with two thumbs

I too was looking for this, to no avail. So I made a new widget, feel free to use it: https://github.com/anothem/android-range-seek-bar

Screenshot of RangeSeekBar

"I too was looking for this, to no avail. So I made a new widget, feel free to use it: https://code.google.com/p/range-seek-bar/"

This example Stephan linked works great! However, the user has to press any of the thumbs to get a respons. I wanted that if the user pressed the bar, the closest thumb would move to that position and work like normal.

I implemented this in the example code like this:

private final Thumb getClosestThumb(float touchX)

    double xValue = screenToNormalized(touchX);        
    return (Math.abs(xValue - normalizedMinValue) < Math.abs(xValue - normalizedMaxValue)) ? Thumb.MIN : Thumb.MAX;

And in the "public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)",

if(pressedThumb == null),
   pressedThumb = getClosestThumb(mDownMotionX);

A windowed seek bar with left and right icons.
Presettable minimum window size and automatic anti crossover.

Screenshot of windowed-seek-bar

Mercurial repository at https://bitbucket.org/nimbusgb/windowed-seek-bar

I have used the anothem/android-range-seek-bar library


In xml


enter image description here

Incase you are using any of the material components such as: Snackbar, BottomNavigationView etc. you don't have to use another 3rd party library.

The material library also ships with RangeSlider which can be used to select a range of values.

Material library - implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:latestVersion'