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Chaining order in Guava

I'm a bit new to Guava and it's style. I'm definitely digging it, but one thing I keep tripping over is the order of chained methods. Where I seem to have this problem the most is when using compound Orderings. I have to keep asking myself questions like:

  • Where does the natural go?
  • Where does the nullFirst (or last) go?
  • Which nullsFirst does what? (In the example below, one for host, one for last name, one for first name?)

Here's an example of one that I was just working on. It looks cumbersome, and I'm just not sure if I put it all together right. I have some JUnits to test it, and it seems okay, but there are always those quirky boundary cases.

Ordering<Host> lastNameThenFirstNameOrdering = Ordering.natural().nullsFirst().onResultOf(new Function<Host, String>() {
    public String apply(Host host) {
        return host.getLastName();
    }}).compound(Ordering.natural().nullsFirst().onResultOf(new Function<Host, String>() {
    public String apply(Host host) {
        return host.getFirstName();

As for an actual question: Is there a well-defined rule for how these things get executed? It seems to be last-to-first, but I'm having trouble telling that.

edit: Just wanted to point out the large, ugly code I was trying to replace:

    Ordering<Host> ordering2 = new Ordering<Host>() {
        public int compare(Host host1, Host host2) {
            if (host1 == null || host2 == null) {
                return host1 == host2 ? 0 : ((host1 == null) ? -1 : 1); 
            if(host1.getLastName() != null || host2.getLastName() != null){
                if (host1.getLastName() == null) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (host2.getLastName() == null) {
                    return 1;

                if (host1.getLastName().compareTo(host2.getLastName()) != 0) {
                    return host1.getLastName().compareTo(host2.getLastName());

            if (host1.getFirstName() == null) {
                return -1;
            } else if (host2.getFirstName() == null) {
                return 1;

            return host1.getFirstName().compareTo(host2.getFirstName());
like image 415
Ray Avatar asked Feb 11 '11 12:02


1 Answers

I think what you do is correct, but awfully ugly. Try this for readability:

Use an Enum

Move the functions to an enum that implements Function<Host, String>. Each of the enum items can provide it's own implementation.

enum HostFunctions implements Function<Host, String>{

        public String apply(final Host host){
            return host.getFirstName();

        public String apply(final Host host){
            return host.getLastName();


Indent your Code

Now reference those enum functions and indent your code properly. This is what it will look like:

final Ordering<Host> orderingByLastAndFirstName =

I'd say that makes everything much more understandable.

IDE Configuration

Regarding proper indentation (at least if you use Eclipse), see this question:

How to indent the fluent interface pattern “correctly” with eclipse?

Enums as Functions

Regarding the enum: this is called the enum singleton pattern. The Guava guys use it all over their code base. Read about it on wikipedia or in Effective Java, Item 3. Although those sources both talk about single-item enums, the approach is almost the same here.

like image 123
Sean Patrick Floyd Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10

Sean Patrick Floyd