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Could not find file ${libs.jstl11.classpath} to copy

Good day guys. I have this project in netbeans that when I try to run, it gives out an error message: "Warning: Could not find file C:\wamp\folder1\${libs.jstl11.classpath} to copy. BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds) I tried adding jstl-1.2.1.jar to the project's library but it still gets the same error. I also downloaded a jstl11.jar and added it again to project's library but it still don't work. Any other suggestions on how I can resolve this? I'm using netbeans 7.4, Thank you in advance.

like image 733
Micah Rockie Avatar asked Jul 06 '14 14:07

Micah Rockie

1 Answers

I too faced the same problem.

  1. Select the project in the netbeans and right click and navigate to properties.
  2. Navigate to libraries, you should see in compile tab that the mentioned library is missing.
  3. Remove the missing library and add a new library of JSTL which you have downloaded or choose from JSTL library options given by netbeans.
  4. Save the settings and clean and build the project. Now you should not get the error.

Please let me know if it worked

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Chetan Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11
