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centering a div without setting width




Is there a way to do this? When using navigation that can change the number of items often, it would be nice not having to calculate the with and updating the css, but just having a solution that works.

if that's impossible (I'm assuming it is) can anyone point me to a javascript that can do this?


re: provide code some code basically I'm working with, what I think is, the most typical setup

<div class="main">
 <div class="nav">
   <li>short title</li>
   <li>Item 3 Long title</li>
   <li>Item 4 Long title</li>
   <li>Item 5 Long title</li>
   <li>Item 6 Extra Long title</li>


.main {
.nav {
 margin:0 auto;
.nav ul li {

the issue I've found with this/these solutions is that the content is nudged to the right adding some right padding (of 40px) seems to fix this across the browsers I'm checking on (O FF IE). .nav { margin:0 auto; padding-right:40px; } I don't know where this value is coming from though and why 40px fixes this.

Does anyone know where this is coming from? it's not a margin or padding but no matter what I do the first about 40px can not be used for placement. Maybe it's the ul or li that's adding this.

I've had a look at the display:table-cell way of doing this, but there's that complication with IE and it still has the same issue as the other solution

edit (final)

okay I've tried some things in regard to the indent. I've reset all padding to 0


that fixed it, and I don't need to offset the padding (I think I'll leave my whole process up so if anyone comes across this, it'll save them some time)

thanks for the comments and replies

like image 289
Daniel Avatar asked Nov 29 '09 04:11


People also ask

How do I center a div without the width?

Using the Position, Top, Left, and Transform Properties To horizontally and vertically center a div within a div whose height and width is unknown, you can use the transform property instead of the margin property. You'll still use the CSS position, top, and left properties.

How do I force a div to center?

Simply add text-align center to parent div and set the child div display to inline-block. This will force our div to behave like inline element and therefore subjected text-align center.

How do I center a div without margins?

Div is basically BLOCK with FULL-WIDTH (100%) so set margin:auto is doesn't get anything since the width is full to the parent. To make it work, you can did that by 2 ways, use text-align:center for div -> this will align text inside div center. include width property in div (i.e. width:200px) and it will work fine.

How do I center a div according to my screen size?

Easiest way to center something regardless of page width is margin: auto; in your CSS, with height and width defined. Save this answer.

1 Answers

<div class="nav">
   <li>menu 1</li>
   <li>menu 2</li>
   <li>menu 3</li>

 .nav { text-align:center; }
 .nav ul { display:inline-table;}
 .nav ul li {display:inline;}

That's all,

Change number of li , but ul will always be centre aligned

make div with class="nav" place ul inside it, ul will be center aligned always

like image 80
Dashrath Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
