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Should we use a CSS framework ? Are they worth it?

CSS frameworks have nice styles inbuilt and ask you to focuses on the grids but still there is a bit of dependency and lack of freedom it provide.. If I need to generate a webpage by looking on a PSD based mockup screen ..either i will use the classes provided by the framework but if that actual measurements does not exist I need to again specify my own rules that will add upto my CSS filesize and if performance is a constraint as always it is...you need not a big size file..though its in kb but every drop counts.

Any comments and suggestions to use the framework in a best possible way.

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Gaurav Mishr Avatar asked Jun 18 '09 06:06

Gaurav Mishr

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Is it worth using a CSS framework?

CSS frameworks make it simple to create websites compatible with multiple browsers and browser versions. This reduces the likelihood of bugs popping up during cross browser testing. Since these frameworks have ready-to-use stylesheets in place, using them allows faster and more convenient web development.

Should I use a CSS framework on my portfolio?

It's an essential part of front end development. CSS frameworks are useful, but they can also get in the way and make it more difficult to implement your own styles. And remember: your CSS ability is the first thing any employer will see when they open your portfolio. For learning, I would do both.

Do I need to learn a CSS framework?

When Should You Use CSS Frameworks? If you are a beginner in front end web development and haven't yet mastered CSS then using a CSS framework is the right fit for you. Frameworks like Bootstrap are super easy to master and can create complete web page layouts within seconds without the need of writing any CSS code.

Do people still use CSS?

Overall, yes — developers do still code HTML and CSS by hand, but we definitely feel that there are times when this is more appropriate than others. One of the benefits of website themes and templates is the ability to massively reduce the time spent in code for site builders and web developers.

1 Answers

I think a style reset is great - but a framework is too limiting. You are forced to use their classes etc.

This could result in some inconsistent class names, like for example if you have a site that separates words with a hyphen (-) and then you use a grid that uses the underscore (_).

You also have to buy in to that framework, as in adopt it for your whole site (if the main template is using it).

See UnobtrusiveCss for a laugh :).

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alex Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
