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Celery: auto discovery does not find tasks module in app

I have the following setup with a fresh installed celery and django 1.4:


import djcelery

BROKER_HOST = 'localhost'
BROKER_USER = 'user'
BROKER_PASSWORD = 'password'




from celery.task import task

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

Message delivery to the celeryd works fine, but the task is always unregistered (so auto discovery does not seem to work correctly here). Only if I import the tasks module in tasks/__init__.py the task is found and I can use it.

Also the documentation was a little confusing about the decorator import, but I think this is the right one now.

Where is the bug in my setup?

like image 328
Martin Avatar asked Apr 19 '12 20:04


People also ask

How do I add a task to celery?

All tasks must be imported during Django and Celery startup so that Celery knows about them. If we put them in <appname>/tasks.py files and call app. autodiscover_tasks(), that will do it. Or we could put our tasks in our models files, or import them from there, or import them from application ready methods.

What is Apply_async in celery?

This way, you delegate queue creation to Celery. You can use apply_async with any queue and Celery will handle it, provided your task is aware of the queue used by apply_async . If none is provided then the worker will listen only for the default queue.

What is celery Task Manager?

Celery is a task queue implementation for Python web applications used to asynchronously execute work outside the HTTP request-response cycle. Celery is an implementation of the task queue concept. Learn more in the web development chapter or view the table of contents for all topics.

1 Answers

Add CELERY_IMPORTS to your settings.py:

CELERY_IMPORTS = ('testapp.tasks',)

Import all the tasks in testapp.tasks.__init__ file

Then Celery will import all tasks from testapp.tasks folder and name them as they are

like image 121
dgel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
