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CDPATH functionality in Powershell?

Has anyone implemented the equivalent behavior of bash's 'cdpath' in Powershell?

like image 928
Tennis Smith Avatar asked Aug 29 '11 22:08

Tennis Smith

People also ask

What is set-location command in PowerShell?

The Set-Location cmdlet sets the working location to a specified location. That location could be a directory, a subdirectory, a registry location, or any provider path. PowerShell 6.2 added support for - and + as a values for the Path parameter.

How do I change the Path of a file in PowerShell?

You can also change directory in PowerShell to a specified path. To change directory, enter Set-Location followed by the Path parameter, then the full path you want to change directory to. If the new directory path has spaces, enclose the path in a double-quote (“”).

1 Answers

Did not know about CDPATH before. Good to know. I whipped up the below for Powershell:

function cd2 {
    if(-not $path){return;}

    if((test-path $path) -or (-not $env:CDPATH)){
        Set-Location $path
    $cdpath = $env:CDPATH.split(";") | % { $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_) }
    $npath = ""
    foreach($p in $cdpath){
        $tpath = join-path $p $path
        if(test-path $tpath){$npath = $tpath; break;}
        #write-host -fore yellow "Using CDPATH"
        Set-Location $npath

    set-location $path


It will not be perfect, but works in the expected way. You can extend it I guess. Add it to your profile. If needed, also add an alias like so:

set-alias -Name cd -value cd2 -Option AllScope
like image 103
manojlds Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10
