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C/C++ Char Pointer Crash

Let's say that a function which returns a fixed ‘random text’ string is written like

char *Function1()
return Some text”;

then the program could crash if it accidentally tried to alter the value doing


What are the square brackets after the function call attempting to do that would make the program crash? If you're familiar with this, any explanation would be greatly appreciated!

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THE DOCTOR Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 09:11


2 Answers

The string you're returning in the function is usually stored in a read-only part of your process. Attempting to modify it will cause an access violation. (EDIT: Strictly speaking, it is undefined behavior, and in some systems it will cause an access violation. Thanks, John).

This is the case usually because the string itself is hardcoded along with the code of your application. When loading, pointers are stablished to point to those read-only sections of your process that hold literal strings. In fact, whenever you write some string in C, it is treated as a const char* (a pointer to const memory).

like image 69
Diego Sevilla Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 06:12

Diego Sevilla

The signature of that function should really be constchar* Function();.

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Nikolai Fetissov Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 05:12

Nikolai Fetissov