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catching keyboard interrupt




I have a bash script that is executing a program in a loop and reading the output from the program. I wish that when I hit control-c, it terminates the program as well as the script.

I tried this but does not seem to terminate the program.

control_c() {

while true ; do 

    trap control_c SIGINT

    my_command | while read line ; do
       echo $line 

Can someone show me the correct way to accomplish what I have described? Thank you!

like image 335
j.lee Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 20:04


People also ask

How do you handle keyboard interrupts?

When the user pushes the ctrl -c key, the following output appears when the software asks for the username. The print statement created for the KeyboardInterrupt exception is printed in the output when the user presses ctrl – c, which is a user interrupt exception.

What is KeyboardInterrupt error?

Keyboard Interrupt Error The KeyboardInterrupt exception is raised when you try to stop a running program by pressing ctrl+c or ctrl+z in a command line or interrupting the kernel in Jupyter Notebook.

2 Answers

You can do something like this:

control_c() {
    kill $PID

trap control_c SIGINT

while true ; do 
   my_command | while read line ; do
   echo $line 
like image 166
alnet Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10


Try killing the program in your control_c() function, e.g.,

pkill my_command
like image 20
Russell Davis Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10

Russell Davis