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Catch and compute overflow during multiplication of two large integers

I am looking for an efficient (optionally standard, elegant and easy to implement) solution to multiply relatively large numbers, and store the result into one or several integers :

Let say I have two 64 bits integers declared like this :

uint64_t a = xxx, b = yyy;  

When I do a * b, how can I detect if the operation results in an overflow and in this case store the carry somewhere?

Please note that I don't want to use any large-number library since I have constraints on the way I store the numbers.

like image 890
Ben Avatar asked Nov 29 '09 12:11


People also ask

How do you handle overflow in multiplication?

The pseudocode to check against overflow for positive numbers follows: if (a > max_int64 / b) then "overflow" else "ok". To handle zeroes and negative numbers you should add more checks. To calculate carry we can use approach to split number into two 32-digits and multiply them as we do this on the paper.

How do you calculate integer overflow?

Write a “C” function, int addOvf(int* result, int a, int b) If there is no overflow, the function places the resultant = sum a+b in “result” and returns 0. Otherwise it returns -1. The solution of casting to long and adding to find detecting the overflow is not allowed.

What is multiplication overflow?

Suppose we want to find the result after multiplying two numbers A and B. We have to check whether the multiplied value will exceed the 64-bit integer or not. If we multiply 100, and 200, it will not exceed, if we multiply 10000000000 and -10000000000, it will overflow.

1 Answers

1. Detecting the overflow:

x = a * b; if (a != 0 && x / a != b) {     // overflow handling } 

Edit: Fixed division by 0 (thanks Mark!)

2. Computing the carry is quite involved. One approach is to split both operands into half-words, then apply long multiplication to the half-words:

uint64_t hi(uint64_t x) {     return x >> 32; }  uint64_t lo(uint64_t x) {     return ((1ULL << 32) - 1) & x; }  void multiply(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {     // actually uint32_t would do, but the casting is annoying     uint64_t s0, s1, s2, s3;           uint64_t x = lo(a) * lo(b);     s0 = lo(x);          x = hi(a) * lo(b) + hi(x);     s1 = lo(x);     s2 = hi(x);          x = s1 + lo(a) * hi(b);     s1 = lo(x);          x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x);     s2 = lo(x);     s3 = hi(x);          uint64_t result = s1 << 32 | s0;     uint64_t carry = s3 << 32 | s2; } 

To see that none of the partial sums themselves can overflow, we consider the worst case:

        x = s2 + hi(a) * hi(b) + hi(x) 

Let B = 1 << 32. We then have

            x <= (B - 1) + (B - 1)(B - 1) + (B - 1)               <= B*B - 1                < B*B 

I believe this will work - at least it handles Sjlver's test case. Aside from that, it is untested (and might not even compile, as I don't have a C++ compiler at hand anymore).

like image 81
meriton Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
