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Casting to enum vs. Enum.ToObject




I recently saw a project that was using this style:

(SomeEnum)Enum.ToObject(typeof(SomeEnum), some int)

instead of this style:

(SomeEnum)some int

Why use the former? Is it just a matter of style?

From MSDN:

This conversion method returns a value of type Object. You can then cast it or convert it to an object of type enumType.


It seems to me that MSDN tells me that I should call ToObject(), and then I can cast. But I'm confused because I know I can cast without calling that method. What is the purpose of ToObject()? What does it accomplish that simple casting does not?

like image 629
HelloWorld Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 23:06


People also ask

Can I cast int to enum?

Enum's in . Net are integral types and therefore any valid integral value can be cast to an Enum type. This is still possible even when the value being cast is outside of the values defined for the given enumeration!

What does ToObject do in c#?

The ToObject(Type, Object) method converts the integral value value to an enumeration member whose underlying value is value . Note that the conversion succeeds even if value is outside the bounds of enumType members.

Can you cast int to enum C#?

You can explicitly type cast an int to a particular enum type, as shown below.

How to convert value to enum in c#?

Use the Type Casting to Convert an Int to Enum in C# The correct syntax to use type casting is as follows. Copy YourEnum variableName = (YourEnum)yourInt; The program below shows how we can use the type casting to cast an int to enum in C#. We have cast our integer value to enum constant One .

1 Answers

In most cases simple cast is enough.

But sometimes you get type only in runtime. Here comes Enum.ToObject into play. It can be used in cases, when you need dynamically get enum values (or maybe metadata (attributes) attached to enum values). Here is an simple example:

enum Color { Red = 1, Green, Blue }
enum Theme { Dark = 1, Light, NotSure }

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var elements = new[]
        new { Value = 1, Type = typeof(Color) },
        new { Value = 2, Type = typeof(Theme) },
        new { Value = 3, Type = typeof(Color) },
        new { Value = 1, Type = typeof(Theme) },
        new { Value = 2, Type = typeof(Color) },

    foreach (var element in elements)
        var enumValue = Enum.ToObject(element.Type, element.Value);
        Console.WriteLine($"{element.Type.Name}({element.Value}) = {enumValue}");

Output is:

Color(1) = Red
Theme(2) = Light
Color(3) = Blue
Theme(1) = Dark
Color(2) = Green

More info on enum casting

like image 93
The Smallest Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

The Smallest