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Cast object (type double) to int

Okay, so if I have this code

double a=1.5;
int b=(int)a;

Everything works fine, but

Object a=1.5;
int b=(int)a;

gives the following error after running (Eclipse doesn't give any error)

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

Though, when I do

Object a=1.5;
double b=(double)a;
int c=(int)b;


Object a=1.5;
int b=(int)(double)a;

Nothing's wrong again.

Why do you have to cast it to double first ?

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Charlie Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 15:03


2 Answers

When you declare the object Object a = 1.5 you can tell by checking System.out.println(a.getClass()) that the object is in fact cast to a Double instance. This can again be cast to a double because of unboxing conventions. After that the double value can be cast to an int.

There are however no unboxing conventions to cast from a Double instance to an int, so the runtime will issue an ClassCastException if you try and do that. It cannot directly go from Double to Integer.

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kinbiko Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 01:03


When you're casting from Object, you're unboxing from the wrapper type... and you can only unbox to the original type, basically. It's effectively a cast to the relevant wrapper type, followed by a call to the appropriate xxxValue method. So this:

Object x = ...;
double d = (double) x;

is equivalent to:

Object x = ...;
double d = ((Double) x).doubleValue();

That cast to Double will obviously fail if x isn't a reference to a Double.

So your problematic code is equivalent to:

Object a = Double.valueOf(1.5); // Auto-boxing in the original code
int b = ((Integer) a).intValue(); // Unboxing in the original code

Hopefully now it's obvious why that would fail - because the first line creates a Double which you're then trying to cast to Integer.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 02:03

Jon Skeet