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Cast an Object To Long in Java

I am trying to convert a Object type to Long type in Java and I got as:

public static Long castObjectToLong(Object object) {
    return ((Long)object).longValue();

When I run, it throws ClassCastException

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Dat Tan Nguyen Avatar asked Jun 30 '16 07:06

Dat Tan Nguyen

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1 Answers

when you write return ((Long)object).longValue(); causes ClassCastException because Object is not Long. That I mean is if Object o = new Long(), then you can make cast ((Long)object). This is the example I wrote is just like:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String args[]){
    public static Long convertToLong(Object o){
        String stringToConvert = String.valueOf(o);
        Long convertedLong = Long.parseLong(stringToConvert);
        return convertedLong;


I convert Object to String first.Then String to Long.Please see this code is ok to use for you or not.

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sawyinwaimon Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10
