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cassandra cql shell window got disappears after installation in windows

cassandra cql shell window got disappears after installation in windows? this was installed using MSI installer availalbe in planet cassandra.

Why this happens ? please help me..

Thanks in advance.

like image 789
Srinathji Kyadari Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 10:10

Srinathji Kyadari

People also ask

Can Cassandra be installed on Windows?

Cassandra need JDK to run. First need to install JDK on the PC. Go To Oracle (SignUp required) or Filehippo to download JDK 1.8 from which you find suitable. Run the Install as it is.

How do I know if Cassandra is running on Windows?

Check the status of the Cassandra nodes in your cluster - Go to the /<Install_Dir>/apache-cassandra/bin/ directory and type the ./nodetool status command. If the status for all the nodes shows as UN , then the nodes are up and running. If the status for any node shows as DN , then that particular node is down.

1 Answers

I had the same problem with DataStax Community 3.0.9

Step 1: Go to C:\Program Files\DataStax Community\apache-cassandra\conf and open cassandra.yaml in notepad or wordpad

Step 2: Make sure the file has the following entries. If not, add them and save the file.

hints_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax Community/data/hints" data_file_directories: - "C:/Program Files/DataStax Community/data/data" commitlog_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax Community/data/commitlog" cdc_raw_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax Community/data/cdc_raw" saved_caches_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax Community/data/saved_caches"

Step 3: Go to C:\Program Files\DataStax Community\data and make sure you have following folders:

commitlog , data , hints, saved_caches, cdc_raw

If cdc_raw folder is missing, create a folder named cdc_raw

After this, run Cassandra CQL shell again. This should solve the problem.

like image 160
Ayush Kumar Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Ayush Kumar