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Cartesian product of arbitrarily many lists of different types

Several similar questions have been asked and answered. One can find instances, for example:

  1. Cartesian product of 2 lists in Haskell
  2. Cartesian product over a list of lists in Haskell
  3. How can I compute a Cartesian product iteratively?

However, neither of what I have found answered my question completely.


In Haskell, is it possible and how to define a function cartesianProduct that takes arbitrarily (finitely) many lists of different types and outputs their cartesian product on the nose?


For example, in the links above one can find a cartesianProd_2 that intakes two list of different types elegantly:

cartesianProd_2 :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
cartesianProd_2 list_A list_B = [(x,y) | x<-list_A, y<-list_B]

One can easily generalizes this to cartesianProd_n, for some fixed integer n.

However, I hope I can define one that does

cartesianProd (list_1,list_2) == (cartesianProd_2 list_1 list_2)
cartesianProd (list_1,list_2,list_3) == (cartesianProd_3 list_1 list_2 list_3)

-- and so on .. notice that list_i is a list of elements of type i.

One immediate obstacle I encountered is that I don't even know what type of cartesianProd is! Its domain is a tuple of (lists of different types)! What should I do then?


If it is not possible in Haskell, please include a (pointer to a) proof.

like image 759
Student Avatar asked Nov 19 '19 00:11


People also ask

What is arbitrary Cartesian product of sets?

A cartesian product of two non-empty sets A and B is the set of all possible ordered pairs where the first component of the pair is from A, and the second component of the pair is from B. The set of ordered pairs thus obtained is denoted by A×B.

What is Cartesian list?

The Cartesian product is the set of all combinations of elements from multiple sets.

How many elements are in a Cartesian product?

An ordered pair means that two elements are taken from each set. For two non-empty sets (say A & B), the first element of the pair is from one set A and the second element is taken from the second set B. The collection of all such pairs gives us a Cartesian product.

Video Answer

1 Answers

If you are curious how to manipulate type-level data structures to solve the problem as stated, read on. If you have a practical problem to solve, skip all this nonsense and skip to the In Reality section.

This can be done. It takes a bit of type-level machinery to get us off the ground. Ideally I would like the following signature:

cartesianProduct :: Tuple (Map [] ts) -> [Tuple ts]

Here ts is a type-level list of types, and Map is a type-level version of map on lists. Tuple takes a list of types and gives a type which is equivalent to a tuple of those types. Let's say [Int, Char] for example, then this signature would reduce to:

cartesianProduct :: Tuple [ [Int], [Char] ] -> [Tuple [Int, Char]]
          -- morally, at least, equivalent to
                 :: ([Int], [Char]) -> [(Int, Char)]

Which hopefully you can see matches our intention. So let's get going:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, DataKinds, TypeOperators, GADTs #-}

type family Map f xs where
    Map f '[] = '[]
    Map f (x ': xs) = f x ': Map f xs

data Tuple ts where
    Nil :: Tuple '[]
    Cons :: t -> Tuple ts -> Tuple (t ': ts)

This is using a number of advanced features. Type families, data kinds, and GADTs are the key words.

Ideally this should be enough:

cartesianProduct :: Tuple (Map [] ts) -> [Tuple ts]
cartesianProduct Nil = [Nil]
cartesianProduct (Cons xs xss) = [ Cons x ys | x <- xs, ys <- xss ]

Sadly, GHC can't figure it out

• Could not deduce: ts ~ (t0 : ts0)
  from the context: Map [] ts ~ (t : ts1)

It doesn't know that Map is injective1 (even though it obviously is), so it can't figure out what ts should be when the input type is Tuple (Map [] ts) and the pattern is Nil. The technique here is to use a singleton, which is a type that helps the typechecker out of these situations.

data ListS ts where
    NilS :: ListS '[]
    ConsS :: ListS (t ': ts)

Notice that for a given list of types ts, there is only one possible ListS that could inhabit ListS ts (thus "singleton"). If we add this singleton as a parameter to our function, then the typechecker knows that, if the pattern is NilS then ts must be [] (and similarly for cons):

cartesianProduct :: ListS ts -> Tuple (Map [] ts) -> [Tuple ts]
cartesianProduct NilS Nil = [Nil]
cartesianProduct (ConsS s) (Cons xs xss) = [ Cons x ys | x <- xs, ys <- xss ]

Which passes the typechecker. Using it requires a bit of work:

example :: [Tuple '[Int, Char]]
example = cartesianProduct (ConsS (ConsS NilS)) (Cons [1,2] (Cons ['a','b'] Nil))

unTuple2 :: Tuple '[a,b] -> (a,b)
unTuple2 (Cons x (Cons y Nil)) = (x,y)

ghci> map unTuple2 example

It is a shame that we have to manually convert into a real tuple to see it working. But deriving a Show instance for Tuple is going to be another big hassle.

In Reality

However, the fact that we have to use unTuple* at the end of this madness, which knows precisely how many types we have, should be a hint that we should be able to do without, with a bit of a reframing of our problem. And indeed there is such a reframing, and that is the good ol' list applicative.

ghci> (,) <$> [1,2] <*> ['a','b']
ghci> (,,) <$> [1,2] <*> ['a','b'] <*> [True, False]
[(1,'a',True),(1,'a',False),(1,'b',True),(1,'b',False),(2,'a',True) (2,'a',False),(2,'b',True),(2,'b',False)]

Applicative notation works on arbitrarily many lists, as long as you can simultaneously provide an n-ary function to combine the elements (here the tupling functions (,) and (,,) play that role, but it could be any function, e.g. (\x y -> x + 2*y) <$> [1,2] <*> [3,4]). And in practice, this is almost certainly the way a problem requiring n-ary heterogenous cartesian products would be solved. The type-level fanciness discussed in this answer is seldom required and often just makes things unnecessarily complicated.

1I attempted a new injectivity annotation to fix this

type family Map f xs = r | r -> xs where
    Map f '[] = '[]
    Map f (x ': xs) = f x ': Map f xs

But it was no help. Seems like it should have worked.

like image 161
luqui Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
