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Capture stdout to a variable but still display it in the console

I have a bash script which calls several long-running processes. I want to capture the output of those calls into variables for processing reasons. However, because these are long running processes, I would like the output of the rsync calls to be displayed in the console in real-time and not after the fact.

To this end, I have found a way of doing it but it relies on outputting the text to /dev/stderr. I feel that outputting to /dev/stderr is not a good way of doing things.

VAR1=$(for i in {1..5}; do sleep 1; echo $i; done | tee /dev/stderr)  VAR2=$(rsync -r -t --out-format='%n%L' --delete -s /path/source1/ /path/target1 | tee /dev/stderr)  VAR3=$(rsync -r -t --out-format='%n%L' --delete -s /path/source2/ /path/target2 | tee /dev/stderr) 

In the example above, I am calling rsync a few times and I want to see the file names as they are processed, but in the end I still want the output in a variable because I will be parsing it later.

Is there a 'cleaner' way of accomplishing this?

If it makes a difference, I am using Ubuntu 12.04, bash 4.2.24.

like image 569
Mendhak Avatar asked Sep 16 '12 22:09


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To capture a tool's standard output stream, add the stdout field with the name of the file where the output stream should go. Then add type: stdout on the corresponding output parameter.

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Here are the different ways to store the output of a command in shell script. You can also use these commands on terminal to store command outputs in shell variables. variable_name=$(command) variable_name=$(command [option ...] arg1 arg2 ...) OR variable_name=`command` variable_name=`command [option ...]

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There are a couple of different ways we can print a newline character. The most common way is to use the echo command. However, the printf command also works fine. Using the backslash character for newline “\n” is the conventional way.

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Next, the stdout of out is assigned to y, and the redirected stderr is captured by x, without the usual loss of y to a command substitution's subshell. It isn't possible in other shells, because all constructs which capture output require putting the producer into a subshell, which in this case, would include the assignment.

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One primary benefit of the default capturing of stdout/stderr output is that you can use print statements for debugging: and running this module will show you precisely the output of the failing function and hide the other one:

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However it nearly immediately removes these, such that they are only around for a very short time. catch_1 () catches stdout (FD 1) into a variable and moves stderr to stdout, such that the next ("left") catch_1 can catch that. Processing in catch is done from right to left, so the left catch_1 is executed last and catches stderr.

2 Answers

Duplicate &1 in your shell (in my examle to 5) and use &5 in the subshell (so that you will write to stdout (&1) of the parent shell):

exec 5>&1 FF=$(echo aaa|tee >(cat - >&5)) echo $FF 

Will print aaa two times, ones because of the echo in the subshell, and second time print the value of the variable.

In your code:

exec 5>&1 VAR1=$(for i in {1..5}; do sleep 1; echo $i; done | tee >(cat - >&5)) # use the value of VAR1 
like image 164
Op De Cirkel Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10

Op De Cirkel

Op De Cirkel's answer has the right idea. It can be simplified even more (avoiding use of cat):

exec 5>&1 FF=$(echo aaa|tee /dev/fd/5) echo $FF 
like image 42
Russell Davis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Russell Davis