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Can't switch from release to debug configuration in Visual Studio 2010


People also ask

How do I change from debug to release in Visual Studio?

On the toolbar, choose either Debug or Release from the Solution Configurations list. From the Build menu, select Configuration Manager, then select Debug or Release.

How do I access the Configuration Manager in Visual Studio?

The project configuration determines what build settings and compiler options are used when you build the project. To create, select, modify, or delete a configuration, you can use the Configuration Manager. To open it, on the menu bar, choose Build > Configuration Manager, or just type Configuration in the search box.

I downloaded an ASP.NET open source solution and opened it in Visual Studio 2010. VS is running as admin.

Everytime I switch the solution or a project from Active (Release) to Debug and uncheck 'Optimize code' and save, these changes don't stick. The solution or project reverts back to Active (Release).

Why is this happening?