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Can't resolve all parameters for AuthenticationService: ([object Object], ?, [object Object])

I faced with next error and cannot understand how to resolve it.

Can't resolve all parameters for AuthenticationService: ([object Object], ?, [object Object])

I've checked almost every topic here and have tried multiple ways to resolve it but still can't beat it already second day.

I have tried to inject first authService in appService like this but getting same error

@Inject(forwardRef(() => AuthenticationService)) public authService: AuthenticationService

I have checked all DI and order of imports inside services and it seems to me everything is correct

So I appreciate if somebody could help me deal with it.

Angular 4.0.0


    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {Http, Headers, Response} from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';

import {AppServices} from "../../app.services";
import {Router} from "@angular/router";

export class AuthenticationService {
  public token: any;

    private http: Http,
    private appService: AppServices,
    private router: Router
  ) {
    this.token = localStorage.getItem('token');

  login(username: string, password: string): Observable<boolean> {
    let headers = new Headers();
    let body = null;
    headers.append("Authorization",("Basic " + btoa(username + ':' + password)));

    return this.http.post(this.appService.api + '/login', body, {headers: headers})
      .map((response: Response) => {
        let token = response.json() && response.json().token;
        if (token) {
          this.token = token;
          localStorage.setItem('Conform_token', token);
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;

  logout(): void {
    this.token = null;

App Services

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Headers, Http, RequestOptions} from '@angular/http';
import {Router} from "@angular/router";
import {AuthenticationService} from "./auth/auth.service";

import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Rx';


export class AppServices {

  api = '//endpoint/';

  public options: any;
    private http: Http,
    private router: Router,
    public authService: AuthenticationService // doesn't work
  //  @Inject(forwardRef(() => AuthenticationService)) public authService: AuthenticationService // doesn't work either
      ) {
        let head = new Headers({
      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this.authService.token,
      "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf8"
    this.options = new RequestOptions({headers: head});

  // ====================
  //    data services
  // ====================

  getData(): Promise<any> {
    return this.http
      .get(this.api + "/data", this.options)
      .then(response => response.json() as Array<Object>)

App Module

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import {BaseRequestOptions, HttpModule} from '@angular/http';

import { MaterialModule} from '@angular/material';
import {FlexLayoutModule} from "@angular/flex-layout";
import 'hammerjs';

import { routing, appRoutingProviders }  from './app.routing';
import { AppServices } from './app.services';
import {AuthGuard} from "./auth/auth.guard";
import {AuthenticationService} from "./auth/auth.service";

import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {AuthComponent} from './auth/auth.component';
import {NotFoundComponent} from './404/not-found.component';
import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [AppServices, AuthGuard, AuthenticationService],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
like image 987
antonyboom Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 06:01


1 Answers

You have a circular dependency between AppServices and AuthenticationService - that's not possible with constructor injection like Angular uses.

To work around you can use

export class AuthenticationService {
  public token: any;
  appService: AppServices;
    private http: Http,
    // private appService: AppServices,
    private router: Router
  ) {
    setTimeout(() => this.appService = injector.get(AppServices));
    this.token = localStorage.getItem('token');

See also DI with cyclic dependency with custom HTTP and ConfigService

To avoid setTimeout you can also set AuthenticationService.appService from the constructor of AppService (or the other way around)

like image 193
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered May 15 '23 07:05

Günter Zöchbauer