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Can't resolve all parameters for an ngrx/store Action

I am attempting to create an @ngrx/store action with the following

import { ActionReducer, Action } from '@ngrx/store'
import { StoreService } from 'ng2-storeservice'
import { IPatient, Patient } from './patient.service'

export class PatientActions {
  static ADD = '[Patient] ADD';
  static REMOVE = '[Patient] REMOVE';
  static RESET = '[Patient] RESET';

  constructor( public store: StoreService ) { }

  add( path: string, payload: IPatient ) {
    this.store.dispatch( PatientActions.ADD, payload );

  remove( path: string, payload: IPatient ) {
    this.store.dispatch( PatientActions.REMOVE, payload )

  reset( path: string, payload: IPatient ) {
    this.store.dispatch( PatientActions.RESET, payload )

export const patient: ActionReducer<IPatient> = (
    state: IPatient = new Patient(), action: Action ) => {
  switch ( action.type ) {
    case PatientActions.ADD:
      return Object.assign( state, action.payload );

    case PatientActions.REMOVE:
      return Object.assign( {}, state, action.payload );

    case PatientActions.RESET:
      return Object.assign( {}, state, action.payload );

      return state;

Services are appropriately placed in module that is recognised. Running the application gives the following error

metadata_resolver.js:499Uncaught Error: Can't resolve all parameters for PatientActions: (?).
    at CompileMetadataResolver.getDependenciesMetadata (http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:31019:19)
    at CompileMetadataResolver.getTypeMetadata (http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:30920:26)
    at http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:31063:41
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at CompileMetadataResolver.getProvidersMetadata (http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:31043:19)
    at http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:30741:71
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:30732:44)
    at http://localhost:4200/main.bundle.js:30745:50
    at Array.forEach (native)

Any help is appreciated. ​

like image 535
st_clair_clarke Avatar asked Dec 22 '16 20:12


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1 Answers

You need to add the @Injectable decorator on the PatientsAction class. This is how Angular adds metadata to the class. Without the metadata, Angular will not know how/what to inject.

See Also:

  • When do we need to use @Injectable on our services in Angular2?
like image 166
Paul Samsotha Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11

Paul Samsotha