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can't remove laravel_database_ prefix from channel

I'm setting up Laravel echo to broadcast events. But whenever I try to broadcast to a channel the channel name gets an automatic prefix: 'laravel_database_'

I've tried switching the return inside the Event to a regular 'Chanel' as following:

public function broadcastOn()
return new Channel('public');

but when I look into the laravel-echo-server logs I see it is still being broadcasted on: 'laravel_database_public'.

This way I would need to do the following in my JS:

Echo.channel('laravel_database_public').listen('MessageSent', ({message}) => {

But ofcourse, I want to remove the prefix (or figure out why its there). Hopefully someone can clear this up for me. Thanks in advance.

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Jesse Vlietveld Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 00:01

Jesse Vlietveld

2 Answers

This is configurable in config/database.php (and I believe even removable) under

'redis' => [
    'options' => [
        'prefix' => // change here.
like image 100
Alex Harris Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 16:01

Alex Harris

The accepted answer does not work with laravel-echo-server.

The solution is rather to let the whole Redis Laravel config untouched and to run version ^1.6.0 of laravel-echo-server with the proper keyPrefix option in laravel-echo-server.json config file:

   "databaseConfig": {
     "redis": {
       "keyPrefix": "laravel_database_"


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eightyfive Avatar answered Jan 29 '23 15:01
