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phpMyAdmin - Error Incorrect format parameter

I tried to import a large sql file but its not getting imported. And it shows the following error.

phpMyAdmin - Error Incorrect format parameter

I have been using Xampp-php 5.6 in ubuntu16.04.

I have tried these links given below already but none of it worked.


importing db phpMyAdmin - Error Incorrect format parameter

Importing large database file in MAMP phpMyAdmin

like image 303
newbie Avatar asked Jan 26 '23 18:01


2 Answers

You can easily import using cmd promt

mysql -u username(of phpmyadmin) -p database_name < file_path/file_name.sql

you can also do the changes in php.ini file to increase upload size of phpmyadmin.

in php.ini of your PHP installation (note: depending if you want it for CLI, Apache, or Nginx, find the right php.ini to manipulate)




or set other values.

Restart/reload apache if you have apache installed or php-fpm for nginx if you use nginx.

Remote server?

increase max_execution_time as well, as it will take time to upload the file.

NGINX installation?

you will have to add: client_max_body_size 912M; in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf to the http{...} block

like image 90
Sayed Mohd Ali Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 04:01

Sayed Mohd Ali

I was facing the same problem when I was trying to import a 90mb database. You can solve this problem by opening


after opening the file search for $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 300;

Here you can set the time to 1000 or whatever you want after the equal sign. The default value is 300.

like image 20
Shahriar Sadat Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 05:01

Shahriar Sadat