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Can't register new client on Instagram developers page [closed]



I'm trying to register a new client on Instagram developers page. After filling the form with the web page, phone number, and description, I'm getting a blank page that says:

"Sorry, an error occurred while processing this request.".

Not sure if it's a problem with the system or with my account.

Any hint?

like image 390
danielguajardok Avatar asked Jan 04 '14 21:01


People also ask

Is Instagram API open?

In 2018, Instagram shut down its public API. Meaning, third-party apps can no longer access the API from Instagram without permission. Third-party apps now need to be approved by Instagram before they can access the API.

1 Answers

It's a problem with Instagram server. I have one API, on my website, and it not work more. And some times show 502 error.

And the error: "Sorry, this page could not be found."

I don't know why. But website like a web.stagram.com have the same problem.

If you try login (on web.stagram.com for exemple), and go to https://instagram.com/accounts/manage_access the aplication/api, the app from Stagram is not allowed and is not on the list.

I think is a problem with API system. And a Captcha on Instagram have the same error too.

Sorry for my English.

  • the web.stagram.com, is only for example, because is a big website.
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Inkeliz Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10
