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Can't ping AWS RDS endpoint


I want to migrate my local mysql database to Amazon RDS. But first I want to test to see if it is receiving communication. So I try to ping it. But the attempt timeout.

ping -c 5 myfishdb.blackOut.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com PING ec2-54-xxx-xxx-118.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com (54.xxx.xxx.118): 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 Request timeout for icmp_seq 2 Request timeout for icmp_seq 3 

I suspect that I need to open the inbound settings, so I open up the settings to

SSH TCP 22 72.xxx.xxx.xxx/32

And it still does not work. What do you suppose I am doing wrong? Am I missing anything else?

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vt2424253 Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 00:03


People also ask

How do you ping An RDS endpoint?

"RDS Instances are not configured to accept and respond to an ICMP packet for pings. The only way you can establish connectivity to your RDS instance is through a standard SQL client application." This means, that adding ICMP rule into particular RDS security group, doesn't make your RDS instance reachable over ICMP.

How do I connect endpoints to RDS?

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/ . In the navigation pane, choose Databases to display a list of your DB instances. Choose the name of the MySQL DB instance to display its details. On the Connectivity & security tab, copy the endpoint.

What are some of the common causes why you Cannot connect to a DB instance on AWS?

When you can't connect to a DB instance, the following are common causes: Inbound rules – The access rules enforced by your local firewall and the IP addresses authorized to access your DB instance might not match. The problem is most likely the inbound rules in your security group.

2 Answers

So I try to ping it. But the attempt timeout.

Ping won't work because the security group blocks all communication by default. You'll have to "poke holes" in the security group firewall to get traffic to your instance.

SSH TCP 22 72.xxx.xxx.xxx/32 And it still does not work.

Yup. RDS does not allow you to log in to the box via SSH. Only the MySQL port (3306) is open.

I want to migrate my local mysql database to Amazon RDS.

Ok, but be careful. DO NOT open up 3306 to the entire Internet (i.e. MySQL was not designed for that, and often has flaws where anyone can break into your database.

You can open 3306 to just your (home) IP address (or the server you'll be using it from.) It should look like " TCP port 3306". But beware that this isn't great security because other people could see your packets. (MySQL supports encrypted connections, but you have to set them up explicitly.)

The best way to test a port is open is to telnet to the port. You can test your setup with telnet my.mysql.ip.address 3306. If you get no message, the port is not open. If you get "connected to ..", then your MySQL port is working.

The most secure way to use RDS is from an EC2 instance. You can create trust between the EC2 instance and the RDS security group. Your packets won't travel over the Internet, but only on the AWS network. Other people won't be able to see your packets, because nothing in EC2 allows that.

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BraveNewCurrency Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09


Amazon RDS is a managed service for relational databases. It does not give access to the low level infrastructure.


There is no SSH, Telnet or Ping access authorised to an RDS instance


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Sébastien Stormacq Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Sébastien Stormacq