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Can't open .rc files in Visual Studio for editing, app compiles fine

I get the an RC1107 error when I try to open any RC for editing, but all my libraries and the app itself compile fine.

Error dialog

I saw this question, but besides not having any useful information, it seems to be a slightly different problem.

I've tried a number of things, from closing and reopening Visual Studio, to ensuring the integrity of the .rc and resource.h files by performing a diff with the previous version. I've even tried rebooting my machine. Any other suggestions?

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MBraedley Avatar asked Oct 08 '22 13:10


1 Answers

The answer to the question I linked to actually did contain the right answer, but was so vague as to be useless. After some more searching, I found the solution here, namely this response:

I've had the same issue.

It looks like the include path processing is broken in VS8. I disassembled the resource compiler dll and found that the command line being passed to rcdll.dll was corrupted. The last slash on the include path was being replaced with a quote character. There was no starting quote.

To fix the problem, I made a minor change to the include paths in the IDE.

Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories

Show directories for: Include files

I Added a slash to my last path, so "P:\" became "P:\\". Ok the changes and the problem went away. :-)

Hope this works for you.


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MBraedley Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10
