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Anti-hacking a game - best practices, suggestions




I recently made a simple game where user can submit his/her high scores online. It is very easy to hack the game by increasing high score by using software such as Cheat Engine. High score is stored in an integer. Should I store encrypted high score instead of an integer and decrypt it to show in the game?

I was wondering what are the best practices since I'm new in these things (hacking).

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TomazVovk Avatar asked Oct 08 '22 16:10


1 Answers

This question over at GameDev SE has what you're looking for:


Another discussion on SO about the topic: Suggestions for (semi) securing high-scores in Flash/PHP game

The summary is that while there are many methods to make cheating difficult, eventually somebody with enough time in their hands will bypass your security measures. The only way to make leader boards hacker proof is to run the game logic on the server.

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Julio Gorgé Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Julio Gorgé