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Can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf on Windows [duplicate]

People also ask

Where is OpenSSL CNF in Windows?

OpenSSL for Windows has now been installed and can be found as OpenSSL.exe in C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\.

Where is the OpenSSL config file?

OpenSSL by default looks for a configuration file in /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.

What is OpenSSL CNF file?

The openssl. cnf file is primarily used to set default values for the CA function, key sizes for generating new key pairs, and similar configuration. Consult the OpenSSL documentation available at openssl.org for more information.

The solution is running this command:

set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.cfg   


set OPENSSL_CONF=[path-to-OpenSSL-install-dir]\bin\openssl.cfg

in the command prompt before using openssl command.

Let openssl know for sure where to find its .cfg file.

Alternatively you could set the same variable OPENSSL_CONF in the Windows environment variables.

NOTE: This can happen when using the OpenSSL binary distribution from Shining Light Productions (a compiled + installer version of the official OpenSSL that is free to download & use). This distribution is "semi-officially" linked from OpenSSL's site as a "service primarily for operating systems where there are no pre-compiled OpenSSL packages".

I've SSL on Apache2.4.4 and executing this code at first, did the trick:
set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\conf\openssl.cnf

then execute the rest codes..


A path like this means the program has been compiled with either Cygwin or MSYS. If you must use this openssl then you will need an interpreter that understands those paths, like Bash, which is provided by Cygwin or MSYS.

Another option would be to download or compile a Windows Native version of openssl. Using that the program would instead require a path like


which would be better suited for the Command Prompt.

In my case I used the binaries from Shining Light and the environment variables were already updated. But still had the issue until I ran a command window with elevated privileges.

When you open the CMD window be sure to run it as Administrator. (Right click the Command Prompt in Start menu and choose "Run as administrator")

I think it can't read the files due to User Account Control.


just set -config parameter location correctly, i.e :

openssl ....................  -config C:\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\openssl.cnf