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Visually managing MongoDB documents and collections [closed]

People also ask

How do I see all files in a collection in MongoDB?

Connect to a database using the getDatabase() method. Get the object of the collection from which you want to retrieve the documents, using the getCollection() method. Retrieve the iterable object containing all the documents of the current collection by invoking the find() method.

What is difference between collection and documents in MongoDB?

A collection holds one or more BSON documents. Documents are analogous to records or rows in a relational database table. Each document has one or more fields; fields are similar to the columns in a relational database table.

How many documents is too many in MongoDB?

To my knowledge, there's no real 'limit' on the number of docs in a collection.. probably, it is the number of unique combinations of _id field MongoDB can generate..But that would be much larger than 500K..

Can MongoDB handle billions of documents?

Mongo can easily handle billions of documents and can have billions of documents in the one collection but remember that the maximum document size is 16mb. There are many folk with billions of documents in MongoDB and there's lots of discussions about it on the MongoDB Google User Group.

Here are some popular MongoDB GUI administration tools:

Open source

  • dbKoda - cross-platform, tabbed editor with auto-complete, syntax highlighting and code formatting (plus auto-save, something Studio 3T doesn't support), visual tools (explain plan, real-time performance dashboard, query and aggregation pipeline builder), profiling manager, storage analyzer, index advisor, convert MongoDB commands to Node.js syntax etc. Lacks in-place document editing and the ability to switch themes.

    dbKoda screenshot

  • Nosqlclient - multiple shell output tabs, autocomplete, schema analyzer, index management, user/role management, live monitoring, and other features. Electron/Meteor.js-based, actively developed on GitHub.

  • adminMongo - web-based or Electron app. Supports server monitoring and document editing.

Closed source

  • NoSQLBooster – full-featured shell-centric cross-platform GUI tool for MongoDB v2.2-4. Free, Personal, and Commercial editions (feature comparison matrix).
  • MongoDB Compass – provides a graphical user interface that allows you to visualize your schema and perform ad-hoc find queries against the database – all with zero knowledge of MongoDB's query language. Developed by MongoDB, Inc. No update queries or access to the shell.
  • Studio 3T, formerly MongoChef – a multi-platform in-place data browser and editor desktop GUI for MongoDB (Core version is free for personal and non-commercial use). Last commit: 2017-Jul-24
  • Robo 3T – acquired by Studio 3T. A shell-centric cross-platform open source MongoDB management tool. Shell-related features only, e.g. multiple shells and results, autocomplete. No export/ import or other features are mentioned. Last commit: 2017-Jul-04

  • HumongouS.io – web-based interface with CRUD features, a chart builder and some collaboration capabilities. 14-day trial.

  • Database Master – a Windows based MongoDB Management Studio, supports also RDBMS. (not free)
  • SlamData - an open source web-based user-interface that allows you to upload and download data, run queries, build charts, explore data.

Abandoned projects

  • RockMongo – a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP5. Allegedly the best in the PHP world. Similar to PHPMyAdmin. Last version: 2015-Sept-19
  • Fang of Mongo – a web-based UI built with Django and jQuery. Last commit: 2012-Jan-26, in a forked project.
  • Opricot – a browser-based MongoDB shell written in PHP. Latest version: 2010-Sep-21
  • Futon4Mongo – a clone of the CouchDB Futon web interface for MongoDB. Last commit: 2010-Oct-09
  • MongoVUE – an elegant GUI desktop application for Windows. Free and non-free versions. Latest version: 2014-Jan-20
  • UMongo – a full-featured open-source MongoDB server administration tool for Linux, Windows, Mac; written in Java. Last commit 2014-June
  • Mongo3 – a Ruby/Sinatra-based interface for cluster management. Last commit: Apr 16, 2013

MongoVUE download is now available @ http://blog.mongovue.com/downloads

MongoVUE looks promising.


The real answer is ... No.

So far as I have found there is no reasonable or publicly available Windows MonogoDB client which is really very sad since MongoDB is pretty sweet.

I've thought about throwing together a simple app with WPF on Codeplex ... but I haven't been super motivated.

What would features would you be interested in having? Maybe you can inspire me or others?

For example, do you just want to view DBs / collections & perhaps simple edits (so you don't have to use the shell) or do you require something more complex?

MongoVue is the best I found till now, it has great features like database or collection copy and text mode viewing for records which is extremely useful