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Can't invoke git-svn from command line


I just installed git on my linux machine (Kubuntu distro) by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install git-core git-doc gitweb git-gui gitk git-email git-svn 

I would like to migrate a project which currently uses subversion to git. But if I run git-svn I get the message : git-svn: command not found

Any way to fix this?

Thank You.

like image 847
JohnMyr Avatar asked Nov 15 '09 11:11


People also ask

Can I use Git and SVN at the same time?

No interaction between them. Just ignore the . git folder for SVN and the . svn folder for Git and you should be fine.

What is Git SVN command?

What is Git-SVN? The git-svn tool is an interface between a local Git repository and a remote SVN repository. Git-svn lets developers write code and create commits locally with Git, then push them up to a central SVN repository with svn commit-style behavior.

What is Git SVN rebase?

Normally, the "git svn clone" and "git svn rebase" commands attempt to recreate empty directories that are in the Subversion repository. If this option is set to "false", then empty directories will only be created if the "git svn mkdirs" command is run explicitly. If unset, git svn assumes this option to be "true".

1 Answers

The (new) interface to run git-svn is actually:

$ git svn <command> [options] [arguments] 

(notice the lack of -)

like image 66
Ben James Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Ben James