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Can't install Azure Functions and Web Jobs extension

I have been trying to install the Azure Functions and Web Jobs extension, however installation fails. Looking through the error log it appears that the piece that isn't working is this:

Install Error : System.InvalidOperationException: Installation of Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools failed. To install this extension please install at least one of the following components: Microsoft Azure WebJobs Tools

I think that the problem is that it is looking for itself with the wrong name (Microsoft Azure WebJobs Tools instead of Microsoft Azure Web Jobs Tools). Is there any way to fix this?

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Thomas Steven Avatar asked Oct 03 '17 13:10

Thomas Steven

1 Answers

Just had the same problem and the error was not very helpful :( Fixed it by installing the Azure Development "workload" from the Visual Studio Installer. After running the installer, you can choose to modify the installation and add this. It will actually come with the extension you're trying to install, oddly enough, but it will not be the latest version of it.

Here is an image which I hope helps: Image of the 15.3.5 Visual Studio installer with Azure Development workload circled.

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user2565663 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10
