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Can't import tensorflow.keras in VS Code

I'm running into problems using tensorflow 2 in VS Code. The code executes without a problem, the errors are just related to pylint in VS Code. For example this import from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense gives a warning "Unable to import 'tensorflow.keras.layers'pylint(import-error)". Importing tensorflow and using tf.keras.layers.Dense does not produce an error. I'm just using a global python environment (3.7.2) on Windows 10, tensorflow is installed via Pip.

like image 793
Sebastian E Avatar asked Oct 02 '19 13:10

Sebastian E

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1 Answers

I too faced the same issue. I solved it by installing keras as a new package and then I changed all packages name removing the prefix tensorflow.. So in your case after installing keras you should replace tensorflow.keras.layers with keras.layers

like image 108
Andrzej Ziemecki Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10

Andrzej Ziemecki