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Pandas groupby, resample, etc for subclassed DataFrame

Note: The thread below prompted a pull request which was eventually merged into v1.10. This issue is now resolved.

I'm using a subclassed DataFrame so that I can have more convenient access to some transformation methods and metadata particular to my use-case. Most of the DataFrame operations work as expected, in that they return an instance of the subclass, rather than an instance of pandas.DataFrame. However, aggregation operations like DataFrame.groupby and DataFrame.resample seem to mess this up.

Is this a bug, or have a missed something when defining my subclass?

Below is a minimal example, tested on pandas 0.25.1:

class MyDataFrame(pd.DataFrame):
    def _constructor(self):
        return MyDataFrame

dates = pd.date_range('2019', freq='D', periods=365)
my_df = MyDataFrame(range(len(dates)), index=dates)

assert isinstance(my_df, MyDataFrame)
# Success!

assert isinstance(my_df.diff(), MyDataFrame)
# Success!

assert isinstance(my_df.sample(10), MyDataFrame)
# Success!

assert isinstance(my_df[:10], MyDataFrame)
# Success!

assert isinstance(my_df.resample("D").sum(), MyDataFrame)
# AssertionError

assert isinstance(my_df.groupby(df.index.month).sum(), MyDataFrame)
# AssertionError
like image 771
grge Avatar asked Sep 04 '19 22:09


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1 Answers

I don't know if it's a "bug" per-se, but I agree that it should be changed regardless. If you take a look at some of the source code for groupby-type objects, you'll see a lot of hardcoded return DataFrame(...) and return Series(...).

As you rightfully pointed out, Pandas objects have three methods to be used to construct new versions of themselves:

  • _construct() to create objects of the same type
  • _construct_sliced() to create a series-like object from a dataframe-like object
  • _construct_expanddim() to create a dataframe-like object from a series-like object

These can be used instead of the hardcoded types in core/groupby/generic.py, which is easy to do since the groupby objects store the starting NDFrame as the attribute obj.

A branch with these changes implemented can be found on my fork here: https://github.com/alkasm/pandas/tree/groupby-preserve-subclass

like image 191
alkasm Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
