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can't import keras.layers.Merge




I want to merge two LSTM models in Keras. I have seen many examples of importing Merge as:

from keras.layers import Merge

When I do this, I get an import error.

ImportError: cannot import name 'Merge'.

Has there been some refactor and now Merge is elsewhere?

like image 459
boltzsman Avatar asked Jun 25 '18 20:06


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How to merge layers in keras 2?

As of keras 2, the module keras.layers.merge doesn't have a generic public Merge -Layer. Instead you are supposed to import the subclasses like keras.layers.Add or keras.layers.Concatenate etc. directly (or their functional interfaces with the same names lowercase: keras.layers.add, keras.layers.concatenate etc.).

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3 Answers

As of keras 2, the module keras.layers.merge doesn't have a generic public Merge-Layer. Instead you are supposed to import the subclasses like keras.layers.Add or keras.layers.Concatenate etc. directly (or their functional interfaces with the same names lowercase: keras.layers.add, keras.layers.concatenate etc.).

See what types of merging layers exist in the keras docs

like image 59
ascripter Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10


from keras.layers import InputLayer, Activation, Merge, Concatenate,Input

write to below code:only change small letter(merge)

from keras.layers import InputLayer, Activation, merge, Concatenate,Input
like image 2
Khossen Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


Cause : case sensitive change it from keras.layers import Merge to from keras.layers import merge

like image 1
Kukesh Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
